Frequently Asked Questions

What is Famous?
Famous is a mobile app that allows users to take photos and collect signatures of loved ones and famous people.


How do I use the Famous app?

To use the Famous app, you need to follow these steps:
1. Ask a famous person for a photo.
2. Give them your phone to sign.
3. Choose effects for the signature.
4. Create a lasting memory that won’t fade away.


By following these steps, you can use the Famous app to collect 

signatures from famous people and create unique, memorable experiences.



What is the purpose of the Famous app?
The Famous app is for entertainment purposes.


Who creates the content in the Famous app?
The content in the Famous app is created by its users.


Can I create my own gallery on Famous?
Yes, users can create a new gallery and name it however they like.


What are the basic galleries on Famous?
The basic galleries on Famous are Sports, Music, Science, Literature, and Movies.


Can I use Famous without an internet connection?
Yes, the Famous app can work without an internet connection.


How can I share photos from Famous with other apps?
When the user is online, they can share photos with signatures from the Famous app with any other app.